Fabulous Feud

Game starts with two groups, five members each. A face-off starts every round, where the team captains for each team shake hands and try to come up with the best answer to a question which was asked of 100 people. (Ex. “Name a famous vacation destination.”)

Whoever rings in first gets first crack at an answer; if he/she gets the number one answer, they automatically are given a choice to play the question, or pass it to the other team. The team that plays the question tries to guess the remaining answers until they guess them all, or until they give three incorrect answers (“Strikes”). If they get three strikes, the other team will try to guess one of the remaining answers. If the other team gets it, they “steal” the points in the bank, but if not, the team with the question gets the points.

Play options:

In order to allow for the maximum number of participants, the show can be concluded at the end of each round. Another option: Two rounds with regular points are played, then a round which will DOUBLE the points and then (if necessary) a round which will TRIPLE the points.